James Franco

James Franco has starred in multiple television and cinematic films over the years, winning numerous awards and recognitions for his works. Additionally, the actor has also published a book, taught college classes, filled galleries with artworks, and learned to fly an airplane. Nevertheless, Franco always finds time for his hobby—surfing. For him, the hobby came to his life at a point when he needed it most. His newfound passion has changed his fitness routine and his life for the better—credit to surfing.


In the past, while working on two projects, the actor shared that he only ate salad for lunch and dinner and put protein on top like tofu. He shared that he gets the majority of his exercises through surfing. According to him, it taught him lessons in life, metaphorically speaking, being out in the large body of water just floating and forced to surrender and submit to something bigger. He added that it forced him to be present.